May 2014 4. October 2022 PrintReportStyle(frames.quiz_main.document,compressReport); September 2016 December 2016 allAnsReport[19] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate20(); Immediately something like scales fell from Saul's eyes and he could see. We must help people place their trust not in us but in the Gospel itself. Following God's directions has consequences and some life-changing. var explan= new initOneElementVector(); Reflection: by Kathryn M. Matthews. window.status = ""; September 2015 function PrintWrongKeyword() why was ananias reluctant to go to saulfrankie ryan city on a hill dead { That explains why he fell to the earth (9:4) like Ezekiel did (Ezek. textField.value = "Selected answer"; PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"Quiz Result",1); PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_main.document,"Quiz Result",0); And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. Remained in Jerusalem. After Saul was blinded in an encounter with God on the Road to Damascus, his traveling companions led him into the city to await further directions from God. The Lord told him, Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. And he said, Behold, I. return warnSound; if (valid[13]==0) { I was thinking this morning about one of my favorite passages of Scripture. After Saul was blinded in an encounter with God on the Road to Damascus, his traveling companions led . The Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision. documento.writeln (''); Ananias seems to object; although perhaps he is just seeking clarification when there seems to be a conflict between what he has heard from others, and what he is hearing from the Lord. } September 2014 PrintResults(); doValuate(18,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score19,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta19); if (valid[18]==0) { function ConvertPointToMark(n,points) { Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He [the Father] takes away (Jn 15:2). If we are reluctant evangelists, we might miss opportunities. } } This makes you unworthy to be with God in Heaven, and unable to do anything about it. God told him to go, so Ananias went. Dont you know that your people are persecuted in that nation? if (valid[3]==0) { It is significant that Ananias was simply a disciple (and not an apostle) in that Pauls apostleship was not founded on the ministry of another apostle (Gal. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus. March 2016 PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_status.document,"",1); } We do not know how the Gospel came to Damascus nor how Ananias was converted. Ananias was a reluctant evangelist; we can be reluctant evangelists, too. February 2021 April 2018 if (valid[17]==0) { Over three days he comes to fully realize what God has done through Jesus and he is called to be the "light to the Gentiles.". September 2018 Any one of us would be terrified to go to such a cruel man.; After this incident with Paul we hear no more October 2021 March 2019 PrintStatusBar(); PrintCopyright(); } God was working with Ananias and Saul at the same time. if ((valid[n]==1)||(maxScore[n]==maxvoto)) I wrote this short, fast-paced, practical guide to productivity to share what I have learned about getting things done in todays digital world. The commission is given in verses 15-16. May 2015 Go to the straight street to the house of Judas Ask for Saul Saul was chosen to preach the gospel Saul would be later shown what to do . Ive often wondered if missionaries dont react in the same way when they feel their hearts stirred for a particular nation or people. documento.writeln (""+title+""); frames.quiz_status.document.domanda.clock.value = timeStr; } He tells Ananias Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel. When we hear Gods voice, we may hesitate to react, but moving forward can cause us to become a reluctant hero Ananias of Damascus is such a hero. See the notes on Matthew 17:9. to him said the Lordthat is, Jesus. The man God uses may be a very unlikely person. The book of Acts does not give us a complete history of the early church, but reports only the important events of its growth. frames.quiz_status.document.clear(); { Ps. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (""); In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight (Acts 9:10-12). } And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. Your information is used to send you blog updates each Wednesday at 8:00 A.M. You can opt out at any time. May 2022 Fasting and praying might indicate a change of direction, but still, Saul needed to come in contact with the Lords will for his life. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (", "); January 2016 Ananias introduced him to the very hesitant Who led the aggression against the Christian movement? You will not be able to post a comment in this post. Faith Hall Of Fame June 2018 Jesus commands Saul to go to Damascus and wait to be told what he must do. outMsg.value = "Answer completed"; June 2022 if (valid[20]==0) { frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); April 2016 A certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias. Are you an honest person? April 2020 It served as both a commercial and educational center. initShortQuestion(); return errSound; doValuate(3,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score4,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta4); January 2022 Acts 9:18. September 2022 } } God told Ezekiel to go to the wicked man whether or not the wicked man listened (Ezek 33:9). The wharves on the Cydnus were crowded with commerce, while the university ranked with those of Athens and Alexandria as the finest in the Roman Empire.Any attempt to identify this Judas of the house on Straight Street with another Judas of the New Testament is utterly unwarranted. Regenerating grace causes people to pray; it is easier to find a living man without the ability to breath, than it is to find a Christian who doesnt pray. October 2014 We might say that it wont do any good. 1:1, 12). In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. We need to rely on Him, on His Word, on His voice, trusting that He will not lead us astray. if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)<=2) { { Ananias is obedient. Zealous, brutal, and loyal to his religious heritagethis was how the book of Acts introduced the man called Saul of Tarsus who quietly approved of and watched the death of Christianity's first martyr, Stephen. According to F. F. Bruce, this indicates that he was not one of the refugees from the persecution in Jerusalem described in Acts 8:1. He was baptised by a disciple named Ananias. Baptist, Title: Ananias Ministers to Paul (9:10-19a). window.status = ""; Paul will now 9:17 Ananias found Saul, as he had been instructed, and greeted him as "Brother Saul." Ananias feared this meeting because Saul had come to Damascus to capture the believers and take them as prisoners to Jerusalem (9:2). else if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)==3) { if (closeHead==1) As we preach the Gospel, men will come to rely on it and not on us. Out of a shining light Jesus calls to him and said Saul, why are you persecuting me? Saul is struck blind. frames.quiz_main.document.close(); helpful to the Lord. Saul had seen a vision of one named Ananias coming and restoring his sight. At that moment Sauls blindness is ended. Ananias.. Turning Point of Transformation. Ananias had not only heard of how Saul had been systematically destroying the church in Jerusalem, hunting down men and women and turning them over to the authorities, but also knew that he was on the march to Damascus, ready to destroy that church as well. if (valid[4]==0) { April 2014 if (valid[21]==0) { Randy Harshbarger, Sunday, June 7, 2015. Saul had lost one of mans most precious possessions, and, no doubt, he was anxious to get it backIn his vision, he was promised his sight back. if (valid[1]==0) { 10 Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. I like to think that he began the sentence with uncertainty and confusion, and perhaps with with the words UmmmGod. frames.quiz_top.document.close(); if (flag==1) documento.write("T"); The only distinction given for Ananias is that he was from Damascus. As Saul neared Damascus, however, intending to hunt Christians in that city, Acts tells us that the resurrected Jesus stopped him and, taking away his sight, commanded him to go into the city and to wait till he was told what he must do. Because he heard that Saul persecuted Christians and was scared. Be transformed Seek Godly council Read the Bible, Sometimes Before You Ask, You Know the Answer, Thank You is Often an Opportunity to Build a Relationship. if (window.confirm("Print quiz ?")) 4. omitPoint = new init_array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"",1); Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? Paul will now be a witness for Christ; the former persecutor of Christ would now be persecuted for his own witness to Christ.Commentary10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. The death of Stephen and the persecution that followed was a blow to the community of believers and it pushed . IntroductionIn this passage, we have the visions of the blinded Paul and the Christian Ananias which took place in Damascus. frames.quiz_status.document.close(); Denomination: "Now there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision, "Ananias.". He did not have unwavering trust in God. The number three represents divine completeness. doValuate(16,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score17,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta17); The most important of the three was the disciple from Damascus whom God used to minister to Saul (Paul) after his conversion. I suspect I would have said the same thing to God just in case He had somehow forgotten a little detail. if (valid[6]==0) { frames.quiz_main.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame1); May 2019 doValuate(21,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score22,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta22); Pauls hatred for Christ and His followers was common knowledge. The story of Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus is told in Acts 9:1-19 and retold by Paul in Acts 22:6-21 and Acts 26:12-18 . In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. May 2020 frames.quiz_top.document.clear(); allAnsReport[3] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate4(); PrintResultTopBar(frames.quiz_main.document); of faithful David. In this passage, we have the visions of the blinded Paul and the Christian Ananias which took place In Then Saul ate and got his strength back. Prayer In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him so he can regain his sight., Lord, Ananias answered, I have heard from many people about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. frames.quiz_top.document.clear(); Remember that Saul lost his sight in his encounter with Jesus (Acts 9:9). of him. That purpose was to bear Christs name to Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. He laid his hands on Saul and told him that Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and sent me to give your sight back to you. allAnsReport[10] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate11(); Subscribe Free To Walk With God - The Journey, March 25, 2020 By Greg and Theresa Nalls This , March 18, 2020 Two are better than one because , March 11, 2020 I remember the smells and taste , March 4, 2020 Funerals seem to be passe. Now, he leaves Damascus under the cover of night in order to escape with his life. frames.quiz_status.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); But, are we really concerned about sharing our faith? Saul had done much harm to the church in Jerusalem. PrintLinkBack(frames.quiz_main.document); frames.quiz_main.document.clear(); Death had no right to keep Him! { if (nScore[n]"; When God wanted to lead Saul of Tarsus into the assurance of salvation He used Ananias. ? He says Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. For this man is My chosen instrument to take My name to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. The third Ananias was the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Paul's arrest (Acts 23:2). Gratitude function PrintCopyright() The account says that for three days Saul was blind, and did not eat or drink, but prayed. } Ananias was understandably reluctant to approach this notorious persecutor, who had come to, Damascus expressly to arrest Christians like himself. And as he had commenced the work of converting Saul, it is evident that he is intended here. msg = "Good ! else { We know nothing about Ananias except what this passage tells us. March 4, 2014Acts of the ApostlesLesson III.B.2: Ananias Ministers to Paul (9:10-19a)Scripture 10 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. On Nicks Twenty-Third Birthday and My Own, Jinger Vuolos Story of Disentangling Faith from Fear, 8 Sins You Commit Whenever You Look at Porn. 9. The most important of the three was the disciple from Damascus whom God used to minister to Saul (Paul) after his conversion. Then the disciples took him by night and let him down through the wall in a large basket (Acts 9:24-25). In Damascus, there was a faithful Christian named Ananias. March 2017 PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"",1); The Lord called to Ananias in a vision, and Ananias said, Here I am, Lord. We here see a willingness on Ananias part to obey God. doValuate(10,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score11,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta11); God?. In obedience to the Holy Spirit, however, Ananias greeted Saul lovingly. PrintJSResult(frames.quiz_main.document); We need to be obedient to the Word of God, too. So the Lord said to him, "Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house . History & The Bible If you would like to write a letter to the editor, you can do so here. PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"",1); Acts 9:17. (According to later Christian artists, he was thrown from his horse; John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan Reed . Paul wrote to the Philippians: For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). named Ananias; a Jewish name, the same with Hananiah, Daniel 1:6 there was an high priest of this name, Acts 23:2 and it was a name in much use among the Jews; frequent mention is made in the Misnic and Talmudic writings of R. Hananiah, or Ananias: and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias; by "the Lord", is meant the Lord Jesus Christ, as is evident from Acts 9:17 who appeared to Ananias in a vision; the Arabic version adds, "by night"; perhaps in a dream, as the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph the husband of Mary, and called him by his name Ananias, to which he answered: and he said, behold, I am here, Lord; in like manner as Samuel did, when a child, when the Lord called to him; showing his readiness to hearken to his voice, to do his will, and obey his orders, be they what they would. return end_test; Try, One Small Change Will Energize Tomorrow's Sermon, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. _ _ _ 3. Bible Study Why was Ananias reluctant to go to Saul? function clearTooltip () { 10. Ananias was instructed to come to Saul, restore his, sight, baptize him, and reveal his commission to him. Ananias represents a doubting Christian. And notice one more detail about the way in which Ananias did this. allAnsReport[8] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate9(); Sunday PM Worship: 6:00 God reached Naaman through " a little maid" (2 Kings 5:2 KJV). frames.quiz_status.document.close(); PrintResultOnTopFrame(); allAnsReport[17] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate18(); } July 2014 } Ananias had heard of the harm Saul had done to the church in Jerusalem. While we recognize Sauls intense hatred for the followers of Jesus, his complete devotion to what he believed was right, and his evident sincerity and good conscience, still he lacked what the Lord was offering salvation through the blood of Christ. doValuate(17,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score18,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta18); function PrintAnswer(n,textField) } if (tipo == 1) { Persecution pesi = new init_array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); var msg,msg2,msgFormat; Saul had selfishly turned away from God. Its probably almost impossible to imagine how that instruction really felt to Ananias, but we get a glimpse of his reaction in his reply to the Lord: Lord, Ananias answered, I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. November 2015 frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What profession was Luke?, To whom was the Book of Acts written?, After the stoning of Steven, who went house to house putting men and women of the church in prison and more. Ananias was, therefore, reluctant to go to Saul. What these days are like we can only imagine. No surprise is expressed that the voice of the Lord was actually heard by this man. Paul will now, be a witness for Christ; the former persecutor of Christ would now be persecuted for his own witness to. Because Jesus Christ never sinned, He came back to life after three days. frames.quiz_status.document.writeln (", "); That's when Ananias heard a word from the Lord. ii. In lieu of a comments section, I accept and encourage letters to the editor. var explan = new initListOfRemark(n); We read over those last few words telling us that Saul got up and was baptized, but imagine Ananias feelings waiting to see exactly what Saul would do once his sight was restored. function GetSoundName(n) doValuate(20,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score21,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta21); Paul wrote to Timothy: All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(bodyTagFrame1); Ananias was reluctant to go to Saul. The sermons and original blog posts are Copyright by Dr. Justin Imel, Sr. The Lord says, in effect, that he knows Saul better than anyone else, and he has chosen Saul as the right man for a great task. frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(". When Ananias laid he hands on Saul, he received his sight and was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Life Of Jesus His apparent cooperation with the conspirators who were seeking to assassinate Paul (Acts 23:12-15) further reveals his unscrupulous character. Christ was a profound, terrifying and mystical experience. It is significant to see that there was a Christian community large enough in Damascus for Saul to be concerned about. October 2019 } allAnsReport[9] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate10(); July 2018 Now, this is not a description of His Christian character, but of his Hebrew character. March 2022 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; Ananias was a common name among the Jews, which in its Hebrew form was Hananiah. July 2015 The Bible doesnt tell us. Saul could not see; maybe Ananias wanted to convey warmth and good will to this blind persecutor. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); Look at him now, the proud Pharisee, the unmerciful oppressor, the daring blasphemer, prayeth! //--> of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold , he prayeth, 12 And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might, 13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy. Ananias: Reluctant, but Willing (Vs. 17) And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And they watched the gates day and night, to kill him. if (showReport==1) nScore = new init_array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); Dispersion. Saul arose and was baptized by the reluctant hero, Ananias. Pages 13 Placing his hands on Saul, he said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Sauls eyes, and he could see again. The Christian Calling All Rights Reserved. June 2020 None of the above . 3-4 - Kingdom Ministry2009 But the Lord said, "Go, for he is a . else { We could compare this to God telling one of you to go to see Osama bin Laden. His relationship to Christ changed. Ananias is summoned. frames.quiz_top.document.close(); } Ananias to meet Saul. if (valid[14]==0) { The commission is given in verses 15-16. receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. October 2015 March 2020 window.print(); } March 2021 February 2023 Three men have this name in the New Testament. At the very least you could set up a Bible study to be conducted by someone who knows how to evangelize. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his . if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)==4) { Because Saul no longer had Copyright Stallings Drive Church of Christ. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him so that he may regain his sight" (Acts 9:10-12). But thats the story as we know it, from our perspective in nice safe hindsight. Acts 9. When we hear God's voice, we may hesitate to react, but moving forward can cause us to become a reluctant hero Ananias of Damascus is such a hero. Saul made havoc of the church and dragged men and women off to prison (Acts 8:3). msgFormat = "" + msg + ""; June 2016 April 2019 I worship and serve as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. window.alert("You have answered all of the questions"); Luke may intentionally contrast two blind men in the middle of the book of Acts. YES or NO _ _ _ 1. I love the fact that there is no small talk. Here we see Jesus fulfilling that promise and sending one to Saul to tell him that he must do. Barnes' Notes on the Bible A certain disciple - A Christian. frames.quiz_main.document.writeln (", "); He was told to find Saul, for Saul was praying. Hope First, Ananias called Saul his brother. Receive every article in your inbox by subscribing below. function PrintATagLinkBack(documento) { In a vision - Perhaps by a dream. end_test = CountAnswers(); Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. documento.writeln (''); Ananias was instructed to come to Saul, restore his sight, baptize him, and reveal his commission to him. The Lord called to him in a vision, Ananias! Yes, Lord, he answered. allAnsReport[5] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate6(); But Saul is understandably reluctant to give so many racist people the chance to jeer at him, and his response to Lanahan suggests he's become cynical about what it's like to play hockey at "the higher levels." Active Themes Lanahan can sees that Saul is wary about moving to a higher level. frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(", "); to Damasus. Unless otherwise stated, blog posts are written by R. Herbert, Ph.D., who writes for a number of Christian venues including our sister site: TacticalChristianity.orgFor more about us, see our About Page. The obedience and faith that Ananias demonstrated in going to Saul and helping to restore his sight were incredible, to say the least. } Ananias had heard of the harm Saul had done to the church in Jerusalem. Simply click here to return to. } frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); He said, Here I amHe was ready and willing to hear this message from God. Just follow the link above and get the details! It will help you learn to structure your life to do the most good to the glory of God. learn more . } Books Of The Bible if (getGuessAns(n)The correct answer was " + getListOfRightAns(n); All content Tim Challies, 2002-2023. Right answer"; Their act of selling property to appear as though they were giving like the others (Acts 4:32-37), and then keeping part of the money, resulted in Gods judgment of their hypocrisy with death.The third Ananias was the high priest and president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Pauls arrest (Acts 23:2). Only then did Saul eat some food. Home|About Preachology|About Me|Contact Me|Free Newsletter|Free Blog, Join in and write your own page!
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