He recoiled with a grunt. But he only swallowed and kept his composure, just as he'd been doing since the day he met Bokuto. FFI?" He intended on closing his eyes and falling asleep for real afterwards, but after having felt his mattress shake for the fourth time, he opened his eyes. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. The smile on Bokuto's lips grew just a little more, signifying that he'd answered yes to Akaashi's question. Slowly, he reached a hand out and closed it over the twitching one, his four fingers fitting into Bokuto's palm. The last thing he wanted to do was wake him up, so they lay in silence for minutes on end. When he exhaled, a puff of smoke left him. This time, Bokuto directed his attention to Akaashi. His voice was gentle, light on Bokuto's ears. Bokuto spoke, his voice peaceful. Akaashi stepped to the side. He looked down at Bokuto as he said this, and glanced away soon after. Akaashi kept his eyes down. "Well now you have. "Let's just go.". "Good night." He was waiting for Kenma, but Akaashi wondered why he hadn't waited for him in the seat that he was initially sitting in. It had been sent two hours ago. He felt as if all the air had been squeezed out of his body by the words that Bokuto had spoken. Inhaling deeply, Akaashi lingered in place, then sat down in the empty seat next to Kuroo. His eyes locked onto Bokuto's. Bokuto mouthed an "Okay," before backing up several steps. Bokuto's arm unconsciously squeezed Akaashi closer to his side. He paused. The air was bitter and cold, and it hit Bokuto like a slap to the face as another gust of wind forced its way into the hospital room. "No. He instead allowed his actions to speak for him. Akaashi looked up from his phone after sending the message and turned his head to notice that Bokuto was once again staring at him with acute interest. Same thing happened to me and now I'm questioning myself. The various identities control a person's behavior at different times. And at such an early damn age, too?" this is seriously the most depressing thing in the world. Despite this, Bokuto was still close enough for their arms to touch. His eyes widened as much as they could. Once there, Bokuto pulled his hand from Akaashi's and leaned it against the windowsill. Akaashi closed his eyes and sighed, swaying absentmindedly in his step, opening his eyes just in time to swiftly avoid colliding with someone. Akaashi could feel Bokuto's enthusiasm through his text messages. "See, look." Hesitant fingers that ghosted over Akaashi's forehead in order to push a loose strand of hair away. "I don't want you to visit me anymore. "No you haven't. It's very good. Verffentlicht am 1. "What's it called?" I think the ending is up to interpret, but this is what I thought of. Ain't that the horror of it all" He rubbed his chin and stalked his way down the hall. "Drowning in something black, sort of like tar. Again, if he hadn't known any better, Akaashi would have figured that Bokuto was already fast asleep. His voice was a soft tremor. Akaashi relaxed himself against his mattress and closed his eyes, a powerless yawn leaving him. Akaashi stopped in his tracks, in front of Bokuto's room. He pressed send and watched the phone carefully, waiting for the small ellipses to appear on the lower left side of the screen. "Well, you're laughing now" He tried to hide his smile. Akaashi glanced in the direction of where Bokuto was staring. In another life.". No words were exchanged for a moment, and soon, the short amount of silence had become awkward. The night sky had suddenly become a pale blue, and the warm orange glow of the sun slowly spread across the horizon. i dont normally include fanfics but i read this one months ago and every time i remember it, i sob uncontrollably so i felt like it deserved a place on my profile, T-T. Is it weird to say that this is my comfort fic?? He drew in a deep breath and blinked away the stinging in his eyes. texas rule of civil procedure 99. largest staffing companies in the us 2021; moorabool news editor; romaji practice sentences; menards swing set accessories; what city produces the most nfl players; His hand held onto one of Bokuto's very thin arms, and his thumb would occasionally rub up and down to comfort him. There, he parted the glass slightly. The title for the movie that Bokuto and Akaashi watched in the fanfic "In Another Life" is "Cloud Atlas". In Another Life- Bokuto x Akaashi-Dreame He was glad that Akaashi found company in him. Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right Bokuto stared off in the distance from beyond the net, his face carrying a confused expression. He carried a look on his face that made him seem more sinister than sincere, and his eyes flitted from Kenma to Akaashi, and then back to Kenma. "I hadn't noticed that one was rolling in." ", Turning his head, Bokuto looked at Akaashi. "It m-makes me Feel like I'll h-have another life One beyond this one One that's better Wh.. Where I can actually wake up to you and be with y you" A smile played on his pale, thin lips. He sat cross-legged, with a shirt on that was two sizes too big, and a hat that looked as if it had been placed on his head without his consent. Bokuto covered his mouth and coughed suddenly. I hope you enjoyed thisI researched FFI a lot actually, in order to get a better understanding of it. He reached a hand out and touched Bokuto's forehead. He wears a white shirt and blue trousers, and is also seen wearing pyjamas in the movie when it is his bedtime. His eyes lighting up, Bokuto straightened his back and fished his hand into his pocket. He had to be. Bokuto tucked his hands into the pockets of his hood, his shoulders hunching. I'll be sure to bring my laptop when I visit. Still, he continued. Bokuto gazed at Akaashi, almost in wonder. And even if he didn't show up, he would still spend his days sending messages to Bokuto, be it text, email, or the occasional video chat. Akaashi's jaw clenched. "What was the dream about?". ", A laugh escaped Bokuto, the sound curling his lips into a smile. "Don't record me.". He gripped his phone in his hand and took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with all the air that he could before he exhaled through his nostrils. Akaashi paused for a long moment and said nothing for a while. Akaashi's phone vibrated against his forehead. He only waved goodbye at a staring Akaashi before following his small friend down the stairs. He urged him to keep the blanket around him, but Bokuto insisted that he leave it behind. Akaashi murmured the words and looked Bokuto up and down. An embarrassed chuckle escaped him. He didn't care, nor did he think he would care in the near future. When it falls, I want to go out and stand in it.". He turned his head in the opposite direction, facing Akaashi now. I finished this months ago but it still hurts and just thinking about it makes me cry. "You can sit anywhere." He looked to the lower right corner of the screen. I, personally, don't cry at a lot of stuff (I just feel sad), and it's different from person to person. Pretty much the only thing wrong with me is that I can't sleep!]. "Goodbye.". Not great, but alright. Bokuto resisted, standing firm in place. But even so, Bokuto still suffered from trembling spells, and they would come in small, short bursts and last only several seconds before his body became too weak to keep it up. so this is basically a bokuaka au where bokuto and akaashi meet at a hospital and bokuto has this disease which they haven't found a cure for yet. He tried to hide his grin with his hand, but it was still visible from the gaps between his fingers. It would shake every so often, and each time it did, Akaashi would squeeze lightly in response. He didn't seem like one to say goodbye or hello for that matter, so both Akaashi and Bokuto didn't pay any mind to it. "No. He sat in his room for the majority of the day, and had spent at least six hours awake until he'd picked his phone up in his hands again. The sky was already black. ", "It's alright." "Fucking bullshit." Kind of confusing, but good. His back was facing the door, and Bokuto seemed to have all of his attention on him. He brought a hand up to push through his black hair, and slowly, his head fell forward. He read up on the symptoms and blinked gently, a hand over his lips. He found it much too difficult to say no to Bokuto, but it had to be done. The ending is Akaashi dreaming, but Bokuto's soul/spirit is with Akaashi in his dream, and Bokuto "found him" In another life. Akaashi went straight into the reading. Guessing quickly, Akaashi muttered, "One?". He knew that once they found out, they would take Bokuto away from him. Asking around here and there, the male put little to no effort in finding out where he could go to sign up for what. ", "That's the same thing!" Akaashi had to wait almost a minute for Bokuto's response. I've watched this movie so many times, I actually fell asleep." "I'll show you." I am, now.". Because of the nightmare? But three hours can also feel like seven minutes. Why is that? "What are you smiling at?" Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. Was it bad? "What?" So instead of putting on a sour expression, Akaashi only kept a neutral one, like he always did. In an attempt to move, he tapped his fingers against his legs at an impatient pace. The tiny snowflakes deteriorated in the warmth of his palm, leaving a small puddle behind. "I'll get us some water." ], [Alright, well We'll just see about that.]. as well as He leaned back in his chair. ], [You probably fell asleep. It's ridiculous.". His hands tensed, relaxed, and rested against his neck. I cried several times while typing it, actually. If he had known that sending simple text messages would have turned into daily hospital visits, then he would have never handed over his cell number. Akaashi opened the first movie that he had in his computer's memory. Akaashi felt that his words were a bit bitter, but he had no other way of telling Bokuto the truth. His head was down and his fingers moved swiftly over the buttons on the gaming device that he held in his hands. Forcing a smile of his own, Akaashi tilted his head only slightly. His thumb aimlessly hovered over the keyboard, thinking of what to type. "You don't need to know." The male across from him did well in hiding the look of offense that almost surfaced upon his face. His company did not seem like the type to socialize so openly, so he figured simple inquiries would do just fine, especially if he kept them to a minimum. A sugar replacement used in many stevia, monk-fruit, keto and other reduced-sugar products marketed for weight loss and diabetes has been linked to stroke, heart attack and early death, a new . Once the second sob had left him, he felt himself spiraling. Akaashi managed to say, staring out into the distance. Akaashi pulled his arms in close, wrapping the sheets around himself. Once Akaashi had left the hospital, he never looked back. Akaashi's arm cautiously wrapped itself around Bokuto's broad shoulders. They both seemed to be the same height, but Akaashi couldn't help but realize that Bokuto looked just a bit smaller. "I am. A small thumb rubbed at the system's screen to remove a smudge. It's actually snowing.". "I see" Akaashi nodded once. Kuroo bid Bokuto farewell for the time being, while Kenma made his way downstairs to exit the building. "Come." Normally, Akaashi would have walked away that instant in order to pay Bokuto a visit, but as he neared his room, he could hear two voices coming from within. He watched as Bokuto's chest rose and fell with each breath that kept him alive. Bokuto found himself smiling. YES! He stared up at Akaashi with that smile that never seemed to fade. This was their unspoken communication. He felt like he could enjoy Kozume's company, what with how his words lacked all form of emotion. Mentally, he was more than ready to spike, but not so much physically. It's so good that I hate it so much because the sheer amount of pain it caused me. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental health condition. Slowly, Akaashi's laugh eased into a chuckle, and as he sat there in his seat, he looked down at Bokuto with placid eyes. I see." He has a solid and muscular build. "Didn't think you knew that about him. Though he'd been dressed in normal, casual clothing, upon further examination, there was indeed something sickly about him. They were fingers. He used to be thicker. He smelled sort of like a hospital. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. Bokuto curled in on himself and pushed his hands into his hood pocket. But as he spoke about his favorite scene, Akaashi could sense a powerful vibe coming from him One that wasn't there before. He looked up at the sickly one when he'd said those words, trying to meet his gaze, but ultimately finding no yellow eyes to look into. I most definitely did not sob reading this. He could feel the ignorance emanating off of Bokuto's text messages. He looked at the message Bokuto had sent him the night before. "Wait, what? They were the only two in the gym. Maybe taking him outside for a while would do him some good. Frail, shaking fingers pushed through his own black and white hair in an attempt to calm himself down, but another thunder clap sounded, louder that time. I've just got something to take care of, but I'll be sure to visit you tomorrow.". "It's been over three hours, actually. He was getting frustrated. They asked about the blanket and the scarf, but they never asked about Bokuto. Akaashi nodded once, and that was all that Bokuto needed to hear before he ran off to retrieve the ball. Alarmed, he snapped around quickly. He couldn't face him. "I've been cooped up in this place for too long. All he cared about was the fact that Bokuto Koutarou was still there. "You tremble when it's seventy degrees in the room. The pain seared itself into his soul, hindering him, rendering him speechless to a point where he no longer knew what words were. It was because of this that he was so surprised when he felt a gentle sensation against his forehead. "Keep him company from now on. He was trying everything he could to psych himself into doing at least something to let Bokuto know that he was there for him. He could practically hear the frown in his voice. ", Bokuto snorted. Both hands had clasped around Bokuto's own now, quavering without pause. Furrowing his brow, Akaashi stared at his phone screen and lay his head down sideways. He was cool to the touch colder than most. He then tossed it to Bokuto once he was close enough. "He's here? Bokuto looked down and twisted his lips to the side. He breathed in that familiar scent that he'd grown so attached to, then exhaled quietly against Bokuto's prominent collar bone. Akaashi cocked his head back to demonstrate this, with his finger tapping his chin. "By sneaking out! He pressed his lips into a thin line and fell backwards on his bed. by hatsumix. When the screen lit up, a text message from Bokuto waited there for him. Blinking, Akaashi turned his attention back to Kuroo and Bokuto. Can't be that Akaashi has ffi it's genetic and really really really rare like there's only 45 families that have the gene for it and I doubt Akaashi's from one of those, I hate yet love how the fandom can come up with the most depressing things like bro Im still not over the fanart people made for it. Akaashi leaned over in his seat to move himself closer to Bokuto. "Nope." He was paler than before, and the bags under his eyes were darker. He smiled. He looked up, gazed at Akaashi past his bleached blonde bangs, and straightened his back in the slightest way possible. He could still see Bokuto's hand, and it had frozen in place. He wanted healthy friends that he could talk to on a regular basis, not one sick friend who he'd have to invest personal and emotional time into. Things could be worse. He watched the ball roll further away from them, and expected to see Bokuto trailing it, but instead saw nothing. Bokuto's eyes stared forward with an engrossed gaze, his yellow hues taking a mental picture of what he probably would never see again. It was Akaashi's way of letting Bokuto know that everything would be alright, and this would always comfort him, no matter the situation they were in. ", Akaashi watched him carefully. When you're around him, you help him forget.". ", Confused and mildly shocked, Akaashi made a face. He stared at Bokuto with his lips parted, as if he were going to speak, but ended up speechless. Posted by: Category: Sem categoria . "You're sick, you need medical attention. That would be nice. Akaashi tried to hide his frown. "Close your eyes for the time being." He'd never heard of that disease before. "Just breathe with me.". Just what kind of guy was he? ", "Well if you've watched it seven times then why not watch it an eighth time? He didn't look into any of the rooms. He felt the gentlest of taps against his arm, and he turned his head to meet eyes that were as concerned as they were exhausted. "You know Um" He looked down and rubbed his neck roughly, leaving behind deep, red marks. You need to be protected.". Why?" It was then that Bokuto's eyes blinked in realization, and slowly but surely, he moved his lips to answer. So when they say they found each other, I think it means that Bokuto found Akaashi even after he died, and Akaashi knew it was really Bokuto in his dream, so he found Bokuto. He pushed his negative thoughts aside and sat himself down in bed, right next to Bokuto. His laughter died down along with Akaashi's. He held his face against the corpse's neck, just beneath the jawline, breathing in all that was left of Bokuto. His words were as straightforward as they were indifferent. Your interest is always appreciated. Why had the sickly one taken a sudden liking to him? He snorted in laughter. But even if he has, that's not what I meant." Despite this, Akaashi did not miss the look of slight nervousness that claimed Bokuto's features. He pat the empty space next to him animatedly. "How does it feel? But as he thought of it, he figured he couldn't be blamed for it. Feeling an amount of guilt build up within his chest, Akaashi pulled out his phone just as quickly as he'd hid it away. He directed his attention to a grinning Bokuto who eagerly sat up in bed. They asked him questions. Akaashi sat up and placed his phone on the counter. Akaashi shifted in his seat, now timid. Bokuto held out his own, eager to see if it were true. He used to be bigger than Kuroo, but now he's the one who's smaller. Heavy raindrops pelted against the window as Bokuto's frantic sounds filled the room. His undivided attention was on Bokuto. Akaashi remained in his faux sleeping position, feeling that it would take much more of an effort for him to open his eyes and check around than to stay dormant. Akaashi doubted that he'd ever have Bokuto over again, so hearing him say 'I'll have to watch it again,' didn't sit too well with him. That had been the fifth time that month where Akaashi had to tear himself out of another nightmare. ], [I would hope so. ", "I do, but I don't want to watch it. ", Once Akaashi realized what Kuroo was talking about, he instantly felt his spirits fall. Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes. Imagine the looks on their faces when they see me coming in from the outside. "Fine by me! Bokuto didn't move much. This story is a heart wrenching major character death story. Kuroo's the heavier one. My face was the only thing sticking out." His hands squeezed tightly around the navy blue blanket that enveloped him. Their walking then slowed to a halt, and it was then that Akaashi had become aware of the new individual who'd invaded his personal space. 15 jun. He just breathed now. Bokuto's hands were as cold as ice, causing Akaashi's concern in him to grow even more. Akaashi sighed and lazily dragged his finger along the d-pad. He instead continued to stare in Akaashi's direction with hopeful eyes. He pulled himself closer to Bokuto, and nudged his face into the warmth of his neck. i felt sad abt it, im jus really confused at the ending, like was it a dream, hallucination, afterlife,etc? "I did" He paused for a moment. ], [I guess. His eyelids drooping and then snapping open again, Bokuto made a small sound. He couldn't bring himself to read over the last four words of the text again and ultimately shut off his phone. I don't want to hear them. Keeping in contact with me wouldn't be a good idea.". He managed a feeble shrug and turned to continue on with the movie that he'd watched for the thirtieth time already. What is it?" He lost the ability to walk a little more than a week ago. Cold. I'm", "Don't." Akaashi lifted his head and looked to his side. It was strange how the less Bokuto asked, the more Akaashi found himself saying. Curiosity had sparked within him. It took a moment for Bokuto to respond, but after some time, he managed some words. Hunter's new YA thriller about a girl who learns that she may have been kidnapped as a child, and must race to uncover the truth about her past before she winds up a victim. (Not my story all credits goes to LittleLuxray on ao3) It was the only normal thing to do, considering how he was the one who was suffering from said disease. I never asked." Akaashi closed his eyes against him. He couldn't feel it. [I'm well, thank you Just catching up on some volleyball things], [VOLLEYBALL?! He would study them for quite a while until they melted and left behind nothing more than a droplet on his arm. and inhaled with frailty. Though is was delayed, Akaashi moved on instinct and sat near Kuroo. January 19th, 6:40pm. Akaashi stepped in and turned his head. A sob wretched its way out from Akaashi's throat. [Verse 2 . Akaashi watched as one of Bokuto's hands twitched involuntarily, and to his dismay, it wouldn't stop. His breathing was heavy, his heart rate quicker than usual; Akaashi could feel his heart pounding in his throat, making it difficult to swallow. The day was exceptionally cold, but Akaashi was glad to know that the hospital's room provided enough heat to keep Bokuto from freezing over. Akaashi had looked up from his phone and stuffed it into his jacket pocket as the energetic hospital patient made his way across the lot. Bokuto lay there glass-eyed, his welled up tears glinting in the dim lighting of the room. It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. His hands rested on his stomach, the dark blanket surrounding him from behind, but slipping off just enough for his torso to be exposed. He was much like Akaashi, sitting on the same side of the bed, a good distance apart from his visitor. Akaashi didn't even have to see his face to know that Bokuto was beaming. Keeping his eyes closed, Akaashi took in the feeling of this. "Hey, Kenma, who are you talking to?" He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. "And that's Kenma for you" Kuroo groaned as he repositioned himself in bed, and then he smiled. He must have been. This is one of the best fics, no, pieces of writing full stop that I've ever read! "Well, I guess that's it for now. How old is Bokuto and Akaashi? He sighed his response with a grin. His voice was solemn. Bokuto's head lay against Akaashi's shoulder. The both of them had sat down long ago, leaving Bokuto and Kuroo to their own business as they wandered about and waved their arms around in their animated way of speaking. I never asked to be emotionally destroyed .
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