This counts as the operative dying and will trigger the corresponding. For example, when used in. Retires the current character (removing them). Kills the country leader of the designated ideology for the current scope. Optional. Sets the current country as the faction spymaster. bypass_recruitment should be set to no. If a character is not intended to have one of the roles initially but get it later on, it's best to define them as an initially empty character, such as the following for a country leader: This character should still be recruited with recruit_character = TAG_new_leader Gain_xp Command Help & Examples | HOI4 Cheats Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in. Current scope is the winner, target and its subjects are the losers. Removes a claim by the specified country on the current scope. The "tooltip" in this case refers to the text shown to the player in-game that explains what the effect block changes within the game, such as "+50 Political Power". Sub-ideologies are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/ideologies. Activates the specified decision for the current scope, ignoring triggers for the decision. However, meta effects will let you use variables and scripted localization within them to build effects as if they were texts and run them. Used in the province scope.limit_to_border = Affect border provinces. A weight of 0 will result in AI neveer picking it. Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\settings.txt' with a text editor and change "save_as_binary=yes" to "save_as_binary=no". Questions, Paradox defender = / The defender state.attacker_win = Makes the attacker the winner.defender_win = Makes the defender the winner. Would love to know the answer to this question. Useful when making a country independent. Only possible to use if the division scope is the same as the ROOT scope. Adds the number of days to the specified mission. trait = The trait to remove. Adds a multiplicatory bonus to the specified skill. Changes the currently playing soundtrack. Defaults to true. If you want an effect to have a random chance to be done or have nothing happen otherwise, the random = { } block is the simplest way to accomplish that: This in particular will have an 80% chance to add 40% stability and 30% war support and, accordingly, a 20% chance to do nothing. I can't seem to find any console commands that allow me to add traits like "panzer leader" to a general rather than having him fight for weeks until he eventually earns the trait. damage = The percentage of damage done to units. Select a state by clicking it. Adds the number of days to a decision's days_remove. id = 100 is a leftover from the pre-NSB country leader system, making the leader have the specified ID for the has_country_leader trigger. For example, if you wanted an effect to randomly given the player one out of four bonuses, you'd do the following: The number is not the chance, but the weight for each option, as they don't have to add up to 100 or any number. The effects here must be used within a division scope. Used to target various hardcoded scopes, often used as a specific secondary scope in contrast to ROOT. long_name = The long name of the country's new ruling party, appearing when hovering over it. Activates the specified mission for the current scope, ignoring any triggers for the decision. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is owned and controlled by the country this is contained in. ignore_death_chance = Whether to ignore the death chance on capture (no by default). Removes a province modifier to the specified provinces in this state. name = my_character defines a localisation key to be used to create the character's name depending on the language that is currently turned on. Does not support Naval equipment. Updated to the 1.12.5 version of Hearts of Iron 4 and the By Blood Alone DLC, Including all of the new portraits for Ethiopia, Italy, Switzerland, Italian East Africa, Albania, Montenegro and the Rif. Will allow instant justificatiion of war goals on countries, Allows the player to pick any idea even if normally unavailable, Square brackets in combination with angle brackets as in, reload landcombat.gui (reloads land combat interface). Creates the specified equipment variant for the current scope. Adds logistics skill to the current unit leader. version = The version indicates which variant should be licensed. You need to click the state as the state id no longer works. Removes a core for the specified country on the current scope. In targeted decisions or diplomacy scripted triggers, this refers to the scope that is targeted. Makes this specified trait show up in the combat menu among other bonuses. It is recommended that you use the workflow available through the MLEADER command to create leader objects. Adds the specified amount of air experience to the current scope. But right now, if I change Siam into democracy without taking a focus, country leader will be the guy from the focus instend of normal one (I didnt delete the normal guy yet). It is also possible to use modifiers (akin to MTTH blocks) to affect the weight of each possible random effect or to use variables as chances. election_frequency = How often in months an election occurs. In order to hire an advisor to be within their proper slot, activate_advisor is used as such: As an effect, this works within country history files as well. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. browser [url] Open the browser window and load the specified [URL]. Leaving it out completely or setting to -1 will make the character not have one. Must be an non-archetype equipment. Contents 1 Arguments 1.1 Name 1.2 Portraits female = The gender of the leader. Recruitment cannot take place outside of country history. Fires the specified news event for the current country. Sets the row on which the trait is located. amount = / The amount to add. Start game, load save game, use gain_xp command, enjoy. Mandatory to specify a division_template. Tag aliases are defined in. state = The state the middle of which to use as the entity's position. States that are owned but not controlled will be transferred to the released country, but won't be controlled by it. set_default = Whether the BoP is considered default. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Optional. Applies a division-scoped trigger block that must be met for the unit to be modified. The experience required in order to assign this trait to a unit leader. Sets the animation of a specified entity. Extends the duration of the timed idea by the specified amount. I want to know if it is possible to change a leader from a faction, thanks to a command. So the final result is [EQ_TYPE] is being replaced by "artillery_equipment" and [EQ_LEVEL] is being replaced by "2" and in the end our effect will be built as: which will give you 10 artillery_equipment_2. Removes the current scope from the faction they are part of. OR Originally posted by Kaiser1871: I believe you click your flag in the top left, and somewhere in the opened window will be a box with your faction name. Useless since unactivable in multiplayer and chat unactivable in singleplayer. trait = The trait to add. What are the conditions that need to be met to be able to do this, and how do you this as the player? Targets the root node of the block, or the first entered scope. No by default. Executes contained effects on every unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. (Can declare war without justification), This is likely the most effective way of wanting to start a war. Adds to the current war support value for the current scope. Triggers that must be met in order to gain experience that'd make assigning this trait possible. However, they're considered effects anyway rather than history arguments, as they can be used in if statements. attack_skill = The attack skill of the leader. Removes a dynamic modifier from the current scope. Here is the list of all HOI4 console commands and cheat codes for the game on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Research all will instant research all technologies, Research a technology when clicking on technology tree icon, Will Allow you to research an item without its prerequisite or two mutually exclusive items, puppet [] [], Turns the target country into a puppet of the puppeteer, puppet GER CZE (Czechoslovakia becomes a puppet of German Reich). To add only a specific type of your latest equipment, you have to address it's given name. This includes the default assumed scope, so, for example, ROOT, Targets the current scope where it's used. If the current country has a core on a state transferred to the released country, the core will be lost. Can only be used if at war with the target. Makes the current scope white peace the specified scope. Traits in the file are contained within the leader_traits = { } block, and will not work otherwise. trait = The trait to remove. Removes the specified trait from the character. Cant dismantle faction if there are non-puppet nations in it. hearts-of-iron-4 man-the-guns Share Improve this question Follow edited Nov 19, 2020 at 8:33 asked Mar 13, 2019 at 21:03 Xenox Promotes the current unit leader to Field Marshal (if Commander). Makes the current scope drop the current cosmetic tag they are using. Also grants the name of the sprite and the interface element the player is hovering on, allowing to find the location of the image by. In the first case, the else_if or else is put directly inside of the preceding if or else_if, while in the second case it's put right after. If they agree, we get the following for each subject: Also of note, commands may not work in ironman games by design. If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. This command, as you might have guessed, causes you to . For a general doctrine cost reduction, see "_doctrine_cost_factor" in Modifiers. Adds a core for the specified country on the current scope. The specified amount of experience is added to the Leader/General you currently have selected. This can fail to carry over the control, so it's recommended to instead use. on_cancel = The event to fire for the side on a draw. add_latest_equipment(ale) [], Gives player amount of latest equipment variants. take_state_focus). Destroys the specified type and amount of ships controlled by the current scope. The ledger must be specified for each theorist individually as, for example. Cheesing the game, console commands, or literally anything else. static_modifiers = { mod_modifier_1 mod_modifier_2 } ideology = The ideology type used by the country leader role. picture = The graphical reference of the picture of the leader. Fires the specified event for the current state. Use set_character_flag instead. By default, the game uses a wide variety of files, including /Hearts of Iron IV/dlc/dlc001_german_historical_portraits/interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx (loaded in-game as interface/ghp_ideas_characters.gfx) or /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/ideas.gfx, however, editing a base game file is never necessary: a file with a higher evaluation order decided by filename (Using ASCII character IDs to order) will overwrite any spriteType defined in an earlier file, which the game uses for replacing DLC portraits. capital = The capital state of the breakaway country. Adds the specified amount of assignable trait slots to the current unit leader. Similarly to most other folders, the game does not care about neither the filename nor the name of the characters, which is why recruitment is mandatory. Note that certain effects may take a value from a variable, i.e. Mods may introduce commands and more commonly, tags into the game to enhance their gameplay. Does not support. animation = The animation entry to apply. Adds the specified amount of manpower to the current state. str_damage = The percentage of damage done to units to strength in particular. The same does not apply to research_bonus = { } and rule = { }, however. Technologies are defined in. Each file in there contains localisation keys with values that actually appear in-game assigned to them. At the moment no, I don't think so. If there are several characters that fill this role, then the first-recruited one is selected. 0.1 would mean that the unit leader gains 10% more experience, not that it gains 10% as much. trait = The trait to add. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and is owned by the country this is contained in. As an example with a trait of the name not_polish_person, this definition is used within the spriteTypes = { } block encompassing the entire file: These arguments are for the modifiers that the trait gives to the unit leader, whether it's the modifiers themselves or something related to them, as well as effects executed related to the trait. Syntax set_cosmetic_tag [country tag] [country tag] Examples set_cosmetic_tag ENG FRA Executing the above command would change the name and flag of England (ENG) to that of France (FRA). Toggles the locked status on a division template for the current scope, which prevents editing or deletion. Sets the popularity for the specified political party in the current scope. Optional, defaults to being the same as size. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. id = What country the strategy is against. Anything entered after the console command, separated by spaces like test_command 123 321 GER is added to the 'args' temp array. Optional.set_root = Sets the scope of ROOT in scripted localization. Adds an operation token towards the country, allowing access to more intel or applying a targeted modifier. Retires and removes the country leader as head of their party for the current scope. target = The target country. Uses a special interface displaying the current operative portrait. 1st: add_party_popularity 100 fascism. Questions, Paradox Removes an operation token from the country. enemy = The country attacking the ally.hostility_reason = Localization for the reason for joining. Grants the specified country a license to produce the specified equipment from the current scope. On game versions prior to 1.12.8, the character must be already recruited by the country this is scoped from. Plays the specified sound once only for the current country. Optional.hours = / Fires the event in the specified number of hours. Transfers the current scope navy to the specified country. Gives bonuses of reducing land doctrine cost to current scope. Adds a country flag to currently played nation. Optional, defaults to false. skill = The skill of the leader. uses = How many times the bonus can be used. is_locked = Whether the division is locked or not. For example, if the following is put within a file within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/ folder, the blank characters my_character_1 and my_character_2 will be created: Every character must be assigned to a country in that country's file in the /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/ folder by using the recruit_character = my_character effect. terrain_factor = The modifier applied to terrain bonuses. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in. Optional, defaults to being the same as size. A value of 1 sets the technology. Switches the current character to the specified country, giving them the character. These can only be used with characters of the country leader type. This must be a localisation key, a directly-defined description will not appear in-game. Optional. For more information, please see our Removes the core of the current scope from the specified state. Loads a new focus tree for the current scope, retaining any shared focuses. Optional, defaults to false. Adds a random trait from the list to the character. reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename], aircombat(airc) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []. I just wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is some way to change the faction leader. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. The character will take on every instance where allowed = { } is true at the game's start. Defaults to false. }, static_modifiers = { mod_modifier_1 mod_modifier_2 } HOI4 Gain_xp Command General Information This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. Transfers the specified ratio of Equipment, Army, Navy, and Airforce to the specified country. Multiple can be = Which technology the bonus applies to. Creates a commander for the current scope with the specified attributes. Hearts of Iron 4 cheats - a guide to the best console commands well. Optional.random = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random, inclusive) of hours to the scheduled fire time. Executes contained effects on a random unit leader (corps commanders, field marshals, admirals) that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. Necessary for country leaders. There should be a button right next to it called "dismantle faction" or somethling like that. Moves the camera position over the specified province. The difference between ideology types is mostly cosmetic, changing the description shown when hovering over the ideology icon and, if defined so, the icon itself. can_be_fired = no assigns the advisor as impossible to fire manually. Make sure to save the file with ANSI encoding format. The popularities must add up to 100, otherwise the command will have no effect. Maybe even more than some people who have the game. About the flag, it have 3 different flag for each focuses. As it's possible to specify the character itself in the trigger, defining an ID is unnecessary. ratio = Distance between starting position and target position where the entity is to be placed. Changes the character's name to the specified localisation key's value. Table of console commands HOI 4 Secret events force_allow_recruiting = Whether the locked template can have units deployed using it without allowing editing. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. command to call them up. If a state is set rather than the specific province, first prioritises the country set in. Optional, defaults to owner of operative.set_from = Sets the scope of FROM in scripted localization. logistics_skill = The logistics skill of the leader. Displays a special tooltip for the specified decision in the effect tooltip. Respectively, these use corps_commander = { }, field_marshal = { }, and navy_leader = { } blocks for definition, which are similar in structure. The current scope guarantees the target country. Valve Corporation. Moves the camera position over the specified state. You must log in or register to reply here. OR The following codes are useful to manipulate your game: Events To trigger an event, open the console, type "event " and then follow it up with the respective event code.Event For additional commands not specific to Millennium Dawn, check out the Hearts of Iron 4 Official Wiki's Console commands page. sleep [duration] Pause the game for the specified amount of time in seconds. available_to_spy_master = Whether the operative can be recruited by the spy master. Turns off fog of war, only within a province if specified. Questions, Paradox division_names_group = Optional, defaults to the icon of the most common sub-unit within. Grants the current scope a wargoal against the specified country. Optional. limit_to_coastal = yes Deletes all units with a certain template. Optional.random_days = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random_days, inclusive) of days to the scheduled fire time. There are two primary ways to ensure about creating it: Similarly to all other sprites, animated portraits can be done by creating a frameAnimatedSpriteType instead of a regular spriteType. Creates an operative for the current scope with the specified attributes. #2. Adds a core for the current scope to the specified state. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. planning_skill = The planning skill of the leader. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. If the trait is manually assigned only, these can be omitted. If the limit there is false, then it moves on to the next one, until hitting an end or an else = { }. Optional.tooltip = The tooltip to display for the buff. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. amount = / The amount to add. spawn [unit name/id] [province id] [amount] Spawns a specified amount of a unit in a province. Removes all ideas for the current scope that use the specified trait. Adds a flat bonus to the specified skill. Defaults to 10 million if the number isn't specified. freedom_level = The new freedom level value. Defining an ID is unnecessary in most cases, as there are alternatives to any usage of an ID. state = The state where the resource rights are located. Sub-units are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt files. The console command itself does not include d_, so d_test_command would be run in console as test_command Also accepts individual files within the. Executes contained effects on a random army leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. Ideology change command :: Hearts of Iron IV General Discussions Say Donald Trump is the leader for the Conservative Party, but then how would I make another Republican, say, Rand Paul, leader of that political party. Preferable to use every_army_leader unless necessary to use global_every_army_leader. Removes a focus from list of completed focus, and potentially all focuses requiring it as a prerequisite. Makes the current scope declare war on the specified country with the specified wargoal. min_zoom = Minimum zoom level needed to be able to see the entity. Effects (also known as Commands) are used in order to affect the game dynamically from within a specific scope. When used as a target rather than a scope, the var: can be omitted in most cases. hearts of iron 4 man the guns - How do I assume faction leadership Adds the specified ideas to the current scope for the specified number of days. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. If it is 1, it will return "artillery_equipment". Localization replacements - Hoi4 modding Wiki | Fandom This is done by creating a new file and renaming it, changing the extension to .gfx from .txt. This is a community maintained wiki. days = Sets the flag to last for the specified amount of days. Researches a technology from research slot or all. Allows to remove specified decision without running remove_effect. Increases resistance target in the specified state. Refreshes the focus tree for the specified country, restarting the checks in, If put within a focus' completion reward, the focus will not be marked as complete at the time the effect is executed, leading to. Using name is recommended because 1.11 made id obsolete. Localisation is defined by using the trait's name as a localisation key within any localisation file, with an entry as my_trait: "My trait". Unless specified, all changes made by effects are made only once, they are not continuous like modifiers are. These scopes are used within effect scopes to control the execution of effects. 1. The current scope grants military access to the target country. Has a unique ideology icon. ratio = <0-1>How much decryption ratio to add. Releases the specified non-existent country as a puppet of the current scope within the current country's controlled states. Grants the specified technology to the current scope. Example: You create a variant of 'Matilda LP'-tank with better Armor and Main Gun and name it 'Matilda LP Mk. If the character has a country leader role, they will be automatically promoted to be the leader of the party of the ideology group that contains the leader's ideology type. Optional. Generic characters are typically created within /Hearts of Iron IV/history/general/*.txt files by using the generate_character effect, although it is to be noted that that folder is merely an effect block executed before startup, so other effects can be used there too. limit_to_naval_base = yes Dump AI front data to log file, needs to have a unit selected, Toggle visibility of debug tooltip for tactics, building_health(bhealth) [] [] [] []. owner = The owner of the division. Triggers that are checked when trying to assign the trait to a unit leader, making it fail to assign if false. The effect does nothing if the country exists. Sets the order of battle to be used for the current country's divisions, overriding every other non-naval and non-air order of battle. elections_allowed = Whether elections are allowed. start and target arguments: rotation = The new angle in radians. on_win = The event to fire for the side on a win. gender = female assigns the specified gender to the character. In total, the probability for an option to be picked is equal to the weight of the option divided by the sum of all weights. Switches the specified character to the specified country. Optional.org_damage_multiplier = The bonus to grant. Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of iron IV\Save Games' , open the newly created savegame file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral